BNZ led business mission to China 2017
Every year, BNZ takes businesses on a journey of discovery to the China market. This year’s business mission is in collaboration with Auckland Council, ATEED and New Zealand Trade & Enterprise and will be based around the high profile Tripartite economic summit in Guangzhou.
The BNZ mission will also extend to Shenzhen and Shanghai, and will have an exciting program packed with opportunities to help BNZ clients generate business and learn about the market.
Dates: 7-14 November 2017

Key benefits for clients
- Attend the Tripartite Economic Summit in Guangzhou (8-10 Nov). Engage with high-level government officials, and business delegations from Guangzhou, Los Angeles and Auckland sister cities;
- Experience first-hand the scale and magnitude of business opportunities with visits to NZ companies with a base in China;
- Attend NZ trade promotion events, and engage in high-quality business matching;
- Understand consumer behaviour and how to build Chinese e-commerce into your marketing plan
- Understand cross-border trade and import logistics;
- Gain knowledge of imported food offerings via visits to supermarkets. Understand what a typical “middle class Chinese consumer” looks like and their buying behaviour;
- Leverage National Australia Bank’s networks in China and Hong Kong;
- Attend ‘New Zealand Week’ activities - NZ’s food & beverage festival in Shanghai, understand supply into food services channels, and take advantage of external brand opportunities and networking.
If you’d like to find out more about this trip, register your interest or would like to see a detailed copy of the itinerary please contact [email protected] and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.